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MindSpark 360 actively supports mental health startups from inception through to scaling by partnering with leading innovation centers. Our comprehensive support system provides startups with access to advanced resources, strategic collaboration opportunities, and expert guidance to enhance product development and market readiness. We focus on technical innovation, founder well-being, and growth facilitation through partnerships and funding. This integrated approach enables startups to effectively navigate the mental health industry, translating innovative ideas into practical, impactful solutions that revolutionize mental health care.

Startup Acceleration Program 

MindSpark 360 in partnership with Switzerland Innovation​​​​


This program is conducted in collaboration with Switzerland Innovation Park Biel Bienne (SIPBB) and its research group called Swiss HealthTech Center (SHTC), a leading Swiss non-profit organization focused on innovation in healthcare technologies, among others.


Collaborative Environment: SIPBB operates at the intersection of research and industry, facilitating the transformation of innovative ideas into minimum viable products. The center maintains extensive collaborations with both Swiss and international organizations, harnessing global insights and expertise to bridge the gap between discovery and real-world use.


Innovation Focus: The program emphasises the creation and advancement of innovative mental health solutions, utilising SIPBB's cutting-edge research facilities and resources to drive product development and technological innovation.


  • Program Objective: Select and support 3 startups in 2024, focusing on the development of technical products in the mental health space.


  • Eligibility and Stages: Open to a wide range of startups, from newly founded ventures to those in early stages up to Series C funding rounds. This diversity ensures a vibrant mix of ideas and development stages within the program. No participation fee.


  • Specific Offer for Swiss Startups: SIPBB serves as an Innosuisse accredited Research Partner, offering targeted assistance to Swiss startups applying for Innosuisse funding. This includes detailed application support and project planning to enhance the chances of funding success.


Startup Partnerships Program

This program is targeted at all scaleups in the mental health sector. Participants who apply and are accepted into this program will be considered when we scout for innovative solutions for our corporate and healthcare partners. This opportunity provides scaleups with a platform to showcase their solutions and potentially integrate their products into larger networks, enhancing their visibility and market reach. No participation fee. We only charge a success fee if you have a roll-out with one of our partners.


Comprehensive Growth Support Program

This exclusive program provides intensive support to a very select group of startups that have successfully passed our rigorous due diligence process. Offering assistance in securing partnerships, investments, and strategic guidance, the program ensures these startups receive the comprehensive support needed to scale their operations, refine their strategies, and achieve sustainable growth.


Startup Founders’ Mental Health Program

Developed in partnership with Accelerate Health, this program is designed for startup founders and their teams across all industries. It includes health-oriented workshops, peer support communities, and unique events aimed at improving mental, emotional, and physical health, equipping founders with the resilience needed to thrive in the demanding startup environment.

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